The reliability of the plant counts more than the awarding

In Sinergia, the awarding of a new project is celebrated for what it is: the closing of a preliminary phase, the starting of a long process as often required by contract (25 years lifetime).

For our team, the mission is not accomplished if the supplies have not been successfully operating for many years, in one word: if they’re not reliable.
Looking back to projects delivered early days of Sinergia’s history, we can proudly declare that in most cases all expectations have been confirmed.

But what makes a package reliable under operation in harsh ambient like those of O&G installation?
Surely the goodness of the original design, the quality of selected materials, the impeccable construction, but this is not enough. Reliability has to do with knowledge of the process, of the operational limits of the equipment, with observation of proper maintenance procedures, and lastly, has to do with people. Transferring the technical knowledge to client personnel, is one of the key factors that Sinergia pursue with its Service & Aftermarket Department.

Starting from supervision to installation, granting the proper integration of the package in the whole project, and ending with personnel training, Sinergia lays the foundation of a long-lasting relationship with customers.
Handover of maintenance activities from contractor to end user and its maintenance teams is always a critical circumstance: keeping open communication for intercepting upcoming issues, offering solutions during the working life of the equipment, and assisting in maintenance is mandatory for a common successful path.

Here is the result:
In 2009 Sinergia engineered and manufactured for a Saipem & Sonatrach project to be installed in Algeria a significant Instrument Air Plant composed of:

    • Nr. 6 oil-free screw compressors (315 & 350 kW) driven by electrical power and diesel engine.
    • Nr. 6 air fin coolers
    • Nr. 3 heatless dryers

Sixteen years have passed, and the system is still under operation in the heat of a remote and desert area.

This is the kind of result that makes us proud and feel that having accomplished our job at best, and the client happy for having chosen SINERGIA.

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