PSA NITROGEN GENERATOR an efficiency improvement is possible… if you have all the skills

Sinergia S.p.A., the leading Italian company in the engineering and manufacturing of nitrogen generators, has developed units suitable for continuous operation 24/24 h/d – 360/365 dd/y, in high ambient temperatures up to 55°C for upstream applications.

Nitrogen, for its inert properties, environmentally friendly and safe production is widely used in O&G for many applications such as:

  • Well injection
  • Well cleaning
  • Pipelines pigging
  • Pipelines inerting
  • Storage vessel blanketing and more

The below graphic shows the recorded data of the new design of the Sinergia PSA nitrogen generator installed in the oilfield for producing high-pressure (up to 350 barg) gaseous nitrogen. These cover almost three years of continuous operation, during which the system has been improved targeting the reduction of power supplied for each Scf/m of nitrogen produced.

  • The system just started was absorbing 800 kW and the first reduction down to 654 kW was not related to PSA improvement but to operating pressure reduction required by the downstream process.
  • Nevertheless from Oct. 21 to Feb 24 while the N2 production is stabilized @ 400 Scfm, (green line), the blue line shows a significant power reduction from 654 to 535 kW.

Average Power

What happened in this period? The substitution in the PSA generator of activated carbon molecular sieves having higher performance, fine-tuning of PSA cycles, possible thanks to the flexible logic of the system, and installation of improved valve seals, led to a 120-kW reduction for the same produced capacity.

In March 2024 a request for higher capacity, achieved with a less than proportional power consumption has proven that a further margin of improvement is possible.
120 kW saved, multiplied by the continuous operation over almost three years, it’s quite a lot and has to do with a Sustainable Approach to the project, and Opex Reduction.

Have you ever wondered what could be the power consumption of a high-pressure N2 generating system? Sinergia can declare it is average 0,02 kW/Scf. Have you compared this performance with the cost of your liquid or gaseous supplies?

Let us reminder the other result achieved with our ON SITE N2 GENERATORS: the registered reliability rate in the last 7 months of operation is 99,12%; only 65 hours stop for maintenance in 12 months. Isn’t it an extraordinary performance?

If you want to discover more, about efficient NITROGEN GENERATORS for OIL & GAS APPLICATIONS, contact: